I am a native in this world And think in it as a native thinks

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

I was not expecting that

Not the wildlife— we'd been warned that seals and penguins wandered freely through Grytviken and we needed to maintain our usual 5 meter distance. (While walking the path from the cemetery to the post office, I had to pause a couple of times to allow seals to cross in front of me.)

No, what surprised me was how green it was. I know it's summer here, but although we've seen a lot of the tussac grass on the mountainsides, the large green spaces in the town were a surprise.

I should mention here that all of the pictures of Grytviken were taken with my phone. They'd asked us not to bring our backpacks unless we really needed them in order to speed up the inspections, and I decided to just make it simple and not bring a camera at all. The results aren't really bad, except for the pictures of wildlife. My iPhone just can't capture the detail my other cameras can.

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