I am a native in this world And think in it as a native thinks

Monday, January 13, 2025

Are you kidding me?

This seal in Prince Olav Harbour in South Georgia perfectly expresses my mood at the moment. And it reminds me to focus on the wonderful journey I've had, instead of dwelling on the annoyances of the moment.

This particular moment involves waiting for an overnight flight to Miami in a crowded lounge at Santiago Airport, where there is little to eat and an entire refrigerator full of sodas but no water. There is a water dispenser, and when I asked—in Spanish!—where the glasses for the water were, I was told that there were no glasses and I should use a coffee cup. So I am sitting at a rickety table, with no access to a port to charge my phone, drinking water from a coffee cup, in what is allegedly a VIP lounge.

But look at how cute that seal is!

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