But of course, what's brisk now will be downright freezing in a few weeks, the days are short and still getting shorter, and the leaves explode in those brilliant colors because they're dying. This is only an interlude before the dark and drear of winter, so there's a sadness underneath it all, a sense of loss, of looking back, and the occasional urge to wallow in something sentimental over a cup of tea.
This song is the best autumnal pleasure I know, and provides a terrific soundtrack for wallowing. Forget Autumn Leaves -- go back to the original Jacques Prévert lyrics and listen to Yves Montand sing Les Feuilles Mortes.
Mais la vie sépare ceux qui s'aiment,Roughly translated:
Tout doucement, sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable
Les pas des amants désunis.
But life separates those who love each other
Softly, without a sound
And the sea erases from the sand
The footprints of the divided lovers.
Proving that rue and melancholy, like so much else, just sound better in French.