I am a native in this world And think in it as a native thinks
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Saturday reflections
Life in the time of coronavirus
Also from the New Yorker article. This is comedian Ian Lara:
What I don’t get is people saying New Yorkers are rude and arrogant. When the pandemic hit, we stood in our little one-bedroom apartments and didn’t go out. We did it for society. It’s funny, I had some road work during the pandemic, and, when I travelled in the cities that have these huge homes with land and pools, they’re, like, “We can’t stay indoors!” New Yorkers sat in one-bedroom apartments for a year and just said, “O.K.” We got hit the hardest, and I kept hearing, “New York is dead.” I was just, like, “Of course New York will bounce back.” This is not like some . . . pop-up city that’s just becoming trendy.
Friday, July 30, 2021
Life in the time of coronavirus
What we call culture is basically the act of sharing air with strangers. Restaurants, theatres, small stores and large ones, concert venues—all are reopening, and, like victims of a traumatic injury relearning the steps that once seemed second nature, we are remembering how to dance.That's Adam Gopnik in The New Yorker. I'm afraid the dance is going to be called off again in the near future because too many idiots refused to get vaccinated and the Delta variant is steamrolling through our defenses, but I love that description of culture as “the act of sharing air with strangers”--it's a phrase that wouldn't have resonated so deeply a year and a half ago.
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Astronomy Tuesday
Image Credit and Copyright: CHART32 Team
Monday, July 26, 2021
More heat lightning
Stepping through the resulting video frame by frame to pull these images did show me why I'd never managed to get pictures of lightning before: you have to be incredibly lucky.
And I thought it was hard to take pictures of birds.
Heat lightning
We usually get strong thunderstorms during the summer, but I don't remember ever having a storm like last night's.
First, there wasn't any thunder. I was just dozing off when the fireworks started outside, and the silence following the flashes was so unexpected it woke me up completely.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Friday, July 23, 2021
It turns out the city is still here
Being outside, being able to just walk around and look at things, still seems so strange to me. I goggle at the streets and the people and the buildings like a tourist, as though I've never seen New York except in the movies and I'm only here for the day and have to soak in as much as I can.
And I don't seem to remember how to photograph it, but I'm hoping that will come back to me.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Astronomy Tuesday
This image of M31, the Andromeda Galaxy, was taken in ultraviolet light. While you can see the spiral arms in visible light, in ultraviolet they look more like rings.
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, GALEX
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Sunday bird blogging
Something really was about to go around the office
I've turned in my final paper, and now I finally have time to do all the chores I've been neglecting sincewell, it feels like forever, but it's really only probably since April. Or March.
I got sidetracked by an unread New Yorker from February 2019 that I found mixed in a pile of books. Instead of adding it to the already foot-high pile of unread magazines in my living room, it was obviously more efficient to just lie on my bed and read it so I could toss it in the recycling.
These artifacts from the Before Times always leave me simultaneously shocked and sad. Movie theatres? Restaurants? International travel? What were we thinking?
And can we please, please have that careless life back?
The Shouts & Murmurs column in this particular issue is called Signs That Something Might Be Going Around the Office. It's simultaneously scarily prescient, and no longer all that funny, except in a dark, shaking-my-head-while-I-laugh, kind of way.
Everyone is carrying around a paper towel for touching door handles, and a few employees have started wearing surgical masks.
Attendance at meetings has dropped to just you.
Your co-workers are avoiding the drinking fountain and the vending machines. Instead, they’re stockpiling water and food under their desks and defending their stores with surprising force.
Co-workers keep saying obnoxious stuff, like “I need to get out of the city and go to Long Island to survive,” or “Things are just so much better upstate,” or “The only way to save my family from this plague is to leave New York today.”
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Saturday reflections
Flags on Park Avenue on a summer afternoon.
I love seeing people on the street again, but the midday sidewalks still aren't nearly as crowded as they were in the Before Times. And I wonder when--or if--they will be. My former employer is reportedly considering allowing work from home for most staff at least a few days a week. It had always been allowed on an ad hoc basis, if deliveries or repairs or a childcare emergency required it, but no one was allowed to have scheduled work from home days on a regular basis. It would impede collaboration, they said. It would mean a loss of collegiality.
Friday, July 16, 2021
Before the show
Waiting for the show to begin at Springsteen on Broadway. I really like the stage design here.
I snapped awake just before eight o'clock this morning, pleased to have gotten that extra hour of sleep that usually eludes me. I have my final paper of the year due tomorrow and I'm struggling with it, but I figured that sleeping a little later and having a few more active neurons as a result would more than make up for getting a later start.
Except--the light was all wrong. The sky was a milky pink and I had to turn on the light in the kitchen to make coffee. I checked the time again and saw that it was 6 am, not 8 am, and already getting hot. That's probably what woke me up, rather than an urge to get going on my case study.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Astronomy Tuesday
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Saturday reflections
I like the minimalism of this -- a street on the Upper East Side, reflected in a door handle on a car.
In another week, I'm done with school until the end of August, and will be halfway through the master's program. It's early for a victory lap, but I am a little amazed at myself for having come this far.
It hasn't been easy.
Friday, July 9, 2021
Urban poetry
I'm not sure what sort of holes or pipes these covers (on First Avenue) are protecting, but at least they are doing so colorfully.
I always like to see splashes of yellow in the city.
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Astronomy Tuesday
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Legacy Archive; Processing: Francisco Javier Pobes Serrano
Monday, July 5, 2021
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Sunday bird blogging
The bluejays were even more annoyed than usual this morning, shrieking in the back yard and yanking me out of a very important dream about working for a fashion designer and buying the wrong fabrics.
This one, in Central Park a few weeks ago, was at least silent.
Saturday, July 3, 2021
Saturday reflections
Friday, July 2, 2021
Bruce and Patti
You see that I still haven't figured out how to write about it. I'm so out of practice with this whole “going outside and doing things” experience. I'm having a hard time processing it.
More Springsteen
Blog Archive
- Saturday reflections
- Life in the time of coronavirus
- Life in the time of coronavirus
- Urban poetry
- Astronomy Tuesday
- More heat lightning
- Heat lightning
- Sunday bird blogging
- Saturday reflections
- It turns out the city is still here
- Astronomy Tuesday
- Sunday bird blogging
- Something really was about to go around the office
- Saturday reflections
- Before the show
- Astronomy Tuesday
- Sunday bird blogging
- Saturday reflections
- Urban poetry
- Astronomy Tuesday
- Street photography
- Sunday bird blogging
- Saturday reflections
- Bruce and Patti
- More Springsteen