I am a native in this world And think in it as a native thinks

Monday, July 4, 2011


I don't have any photos of haggis, but it's just as well, as it's not the most attractive subject. (Traditionally it's boiled in a sheep's stomach, and if you think back to occasions when you've had the opportunity to see the contents of your own or someone else's stomach, you'll probably decide that the lack of a photo is just as well. Google it if you're really curious.)

I was determined to try it, just so I could say I had, but it's surprisingly delicious. Surprisingly because it's made of sheep entrails mixed with oatmeal and boiled in a casing and looks like something you'd cross the street to avoid, but it's savory and nutty and chewy, something like a very thick sausage soup.

It's a better accompaniment to scrambled eggs at breakfast than the limp bacon and bready sausages of the British Isles, lovely with the traditional tomatoes and mushrooms and probably even with the baked beans, if you're British enough to be able to face baked beans in the morning.

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